KI Wait

Around 270 000 people in Sweden suffer from heart fibrillation. It is a medical condition that may cause various other conditions as stroke, heart failure or death. To cure a heart fibrillation, an ablation may be required. Before an ablation can be out carried, the patient often needs to change his lifestyle and in order not to risk relapse, the patient must continue to live healthily after the ablation.

It is a tough process and many patients, however, need to undergo another ablation within a year. Karolinska Institutets goal is to reduce the number of patients who relapse by motivating the patient to make a lifestyle change that is individually adapted and possible to maintain. 

Spring was commissioned to conduct a preliminary study with the goal of developing a prototype of an app service called KI WAIT. The service's main objective is to motivate and help patients to change their lifestyle and become healthier in order to undergo an ablation as well as motivating them to maintain their new lifestyle after the ablation.

To further develop this service Karolinska Institutet have applied for funding from two foundations. The prototype was of huge importance in order to showcase the possibilities that the service KI WAIT may achieve.


Project Leader, Business developer, UX/UI designer & Art Director


UX/UI designer


Figma & Miro




UX/UI Design


Final Design


Parts of the process